Day 28: Duck Pimples

October 28, 2022

Dear Disney,

Today I would like to go back to 40’s for this classic Disney short. “Duck Pimples” is today’s featured short for 31 Days of Disney Halloween. This entire series has seen movies from Disney’s earliest days to modern animation styles and social fears. “Duck Pimples” is a great example of perennial fears depicted through classic Disney animation that could not be done for modern audiences.

I love the idea of Radio Dramas and Film Noir, but frequently when I listen to them, they lull me into a false sense of common and I fall asleep. Donald is no different in this short film that brings to light how our imagination can cause us problems. He creates illusionary friends and enemies throughout the short. I cannot determine what is “real” and what is in Donald’s head.

I was worried that this would not be Halloweenie enough for 31 days of Disney Halloween, but this short is scary. It could be seen during the Halloween season, or any other time of the year, but to say it does not belong on the 31 Days of Halloween is just incorrect. This short is more cerebral, more surreal than any other Disney short that I have seen, and for that reason alone, I love this short.


Jim Dear


Day 29: The Perfect Halloween to Christmas movie doesn’t exis-


Day 27: Haunted Ducklings