Day 39: Tradition

November 8, 2022

Dear Disney,

I was thinking about today’s 30 Days of Thanks for most of the day. 30 Days of Thanks is supposed to help us focus on the positive aspects of our lives. During this time of year, it is easy to focus on the negative: the days are shorter, the weather is miserable, things are stressful. Today’s 30 Days of Thanks is going to lead to other things we are thankful for, but it starts with tradition. Today, we are thankful for our traditions.

Disney is a big part of our traditions. We sing Disney songs and watch specific Disney movies. Darling likes to countdown to things, so about this time every year I begin looking for Advent Calendars for her. I enjoy the hunt. I know that many people in the US think of November as Pre-Christmas, and that is not fair. However, it partly is. All of our November Traditions are in preparation for Christmas.

I like that.

What are some of your favorite November Traditions?


Jim Dear and Darling


Day 40: I smell cookies!


Day 38: Churros for Days