Day 41: Timber!

November 10, 2022

Dear Disney,

Some of our traditions are time sensitive. Others are not. Today’s tradition is. Later in this month, the weekend after Thanksgiving, Darling and I will be going hunting: Christmas Tree Hunting. For today’s 30 days of Thanks, we are thankful for the tradition of Our Christmas Tree.

Growing up, Darling had a fake Christmas tree, except one year when they went up into the mountains and cut down a real tree. I am not sure why, but they only did this once. For me, we always had a natural tree. Some years we would get a tree only days before Christmas, other years we would get it sooner. For almost every Christmas Darling and I have been together, we have gone out and purchased our own tree. Most of the time we would cut it down ourselves, but for the last few years, we have not been able to.

So today, I find myself, weeks before we need to get the tree, looking at our local adds for our Christmas tree lots and Christmas Tree Farms. I am making sure the car is ready and the decorations are together. So much goes into making sure that day works. In addition to all this logistics, there is Disney. The Christmas classics and Darling’s traditional movie must all be ready.

And it will be.

When do you go get your Christmas Tree and is it fake or natural? Either way is great. Or, if you celebrate another Winter Holiday, what are some of your traditions?


Jim Dear and Darling


Day 42: Relaxation


Day 40: I smell cookies!