Day 44: Money Doesn’t Buy Happiness

November 13, 2022

Dear Disney,

Growing up, November was my least favorite month. October had Halloween and December had Christmas, but November was a time without. For me and my family growing up it was all about money. I am now an adult. Darling makes sure that I meet all my needs, and I do the same for her. But every November, actually almost weekly, I find myself thankful that Darling and I have been able to routinely make ends meet. For today’s 30 days of Thanks, Darling and I are immensely thankful for being able to support our family and our endeavors.

Darling and I have known each other a long time, but even she does not know all of my issues regarding life as a poor person. I grew up with Walt Disney and the Disney Company. I would watch things like The Happiest Millionaire and Ducktales and long to be Scrooge McDuck or Mr. Biddle with his pet alligator. I just wanted to not have to worry anymore.

Darling helped me, and continues to help me, deal with those issues. In our early years of marriage, she too learned a little bit about being the working poor. But Disney gave us hope. When I was young, I read this quote by Walt Disney that was relatable to me: “I’d say its been my biggest problem in life - Money. It takes a lot of money to make these dreams come true.” Mr. Disney is not wrong. Not at all.

However, recently I’ve had a different Walt Disney quote that I am trying to understand: “Do a good job. You don’t have to worry about money. It will take care of itself. Just do your best work.”

Darling and I are trying to do our best work and allow money to take care of itself.


Jim Dear and Darling


Day 45: Keep Moving Forward


Day 43: Communication