Day 46: Tea!

November 15, 2022

Dear Disney,

Sometimes the simple things in life are the things that we are most thankful for. Today’s 30 Days of Thanks is relatively short and, literally for me, sweet: Tea!

I love tea. Tea is my comfort drink of choice. Some people like coffee, or hot chocolate, but when I am not feeling well; when I need to perk myself up; when I just need something to end the night, I brew myself, and Darling, a nice cup of tea…heavily sweetened.

Today was one of those day. The weather was dour. My mood was dour. So I needed tea.

When I was thinking about what I was thankful for I remember our Honeymoon. Darling and I found Mickey Mouse tea bags with different flavored teas. They were all good and long since used up. It is funny how things get connected in our minds.

What is your warm drink of choice? What, if any, memories do you have of it?


Jim Dear and Darling.


Day 47: Spoonful of sugar


Day 45: Keep Moving Forward