Day 58: Time

November 27, 2022

Dear Disney,

The month is almost to an end. Darling and I have made sure that each day we have thought about what we are thankful for, both simple and complex. We treated each day anew, each day asking each other what we are most thankful for. Today, as everything begins to come to a close, the thing that we are most thankful for is the time we have.

Every day is a chance for adventure. Every day is a chance for something new. One of the reasons why Darling and I started Dear Disney was that we wanted, eventually, to make our Nostalgia for Disney a larger aspect of our lives. We kept telling ourselves that “someday” we would make this work. “Someday” was too far away. “Someday” may never come. Darling decided that someday was NOW.

Now we are trying to take each day as it comes. Enjoying what we have and what we can have with some dedication.

What is something that you have been putting off till “someday?”


Jim Dear and Darling


Day 59: Homework


Day 57: Chocolate!