Day 59: Homework

November 28, 2022

Dear Disney,

Today, Darling and I were thinking about what we were thankful for today. We had been hearing about some of the things that are happening around the world that we, humans, have been responsible for. Some of those things are awesome in their magnificence; others are awesome in their repugnance. However, it is the things that are awesome in spite of us that we are thankful for today, specifically the oceans.

The oceans, and the lifeforms that life within them, are wonderful, beautiful, and amazing. For Darling and I, the oceans are something that we love. We watch the documentaries, we visit the aquariums, we got to the oceanside, but the thing that has inspired many is Pixar’s representation in the Finding Nemo movies and attractions.

The first time we watched Finding Nemo, we were transported to another world. We realize we were watching talking fish, but the colors and sounds were as if we were under-the-sea.

Recently, Darling and I took the family to the coast. We enjoyed the wind and the waves, the smell of the salty air, and the relaxation that it provided. The coast was exactly what we needed.

Darling and I are thankful for the seas and we hope they remain for a very long time.


Jim Dear and Darling


Day 60: Creativity


Day 58: Time