Thomas Strickland Thomas Strickland

Day 70: We Three Kings? Elves?

Today’s Lovepop advent introduced us to three new characters: elves with the intials H, Z, and I. Three new friends for Mickey, Minnie, and Pluto.

December 9, 2022

Dear Disney,

Today’s Lovepop advent introduced us to three new characters: elves with the intials H, Z, and I. Three new friends for Mickey, Minnie, and Pluto.

I have found that friends come and friends go, but if you are on the lookout, you c an always find new friends. That is what I love about Disney. Disney brings disparate individuals together under the umbrella of good story telling and nostalgia.

So here is today’s story.

And the three adorable elves.

Till tomorrow.


Jim Dear and Darling

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Thomas Strickland Thomas Strickland

Day 69: And the stockings were hung

Mickey and Minnie found themselves at a strange cabin, alone, but with a glowing and warm fire in the hearth. There they found comfort and safety.

December 8, 2022

Dear Disney,

A few years ago, Darling and I stared at the blank wall under our television. We had just moved into our house and we were still trying to make our house a home. There was something missing, but we could not put our finger on what it was. Finally, it dawned on Darling, we needed a hearth!

Mickey and Minnie found themselves at a strange cabin, alone, but with a glowing and warm fire in the hearth. There they found comfort and safety. For many of us, Darling and I specifically, find the comfort of Disney as that warm hearth. I think that finding comfort wherever you can find it, whether it be stories, or movies, or Disney, as long as it is safe and consensual, is perfectly normal and acceptable.

Here is today’s story.

And the warm hearth.

Till tomorrow.


Jim Dear and Darling

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Thomas Strickland Thomas Strickland

Day 68: Warmth against the cold

Today’s Lovepop Mickey and Friends Advent brings Mickie and Minnie closer to each other. They find a house!

December 7, 2022

Dear Disney,

Today’s Lovepop Mickey and Friends Advent brings Mickie and Minnie closer to each other. They find a house!

So far, Mickie, Minnie, and Pluto are off in the woods looking for their perfect Christmas Tree. They have walked far into the woods, and the hours are growing late. The sun has gone down, and Mickey provided the light to show them the way through the woods, but still looking for that perfect tree. However, it continues to grow later, and the weather is cold. Off in the distance is a warm glow coming from the windows of an old cottage.

Darling and I are loving the story. The daily blurbs are interesting and engaging. As you can see, we are finding a bit of additional information between the lines of the envelopes. The pop-ups are cute, but some require more delicate fingers than mine. Thankfully, Darling is more than capable.

Without further ado, here is today’s story.

And the delightful cottage.

Till tomorrow.


Jim Dear and Darling

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Thomas Strickland Thomas Strickland

Day 67: Light the Way

Today’s Lovepops Mickey and Friends Advent was a lantern. The story said that Mickey carried the lantern with them into the woods to light there way. Figuratively speaking Mickey was Minnie’s guiding light. I like that.

December 6, 2022

Dear Disney,

Today’s Lovepops Mickey and Friends Advent was a lantern. The story said that Mickey carried the lantern with them into the woods to light there way. Figuratively speaking Mickey was Minnie’s guiding light. I like that.

In real life there is no one guiding light. As we go through life, we will find ourselves with different lights at different times in our journey. Sometimes the light is a parent or gaurdian, sometimes its a friend or colleague. Sometimes the light is sitting next to you knitting a hat for a work friend.

It doesn’t matter. Walt Disney said that “…it all started with a mouse.” For Disney, Mickey was his guiding light, then it was the dream of Disneyland, then Disneyworld. His light kept changing throughout his life. I am sure, that throughout his adult, married life, one of his guiding lights was his wife, Lillian, I mean without her there would be no Mickey as she was the one who named him.

So today, think about who your guiding light, or lights, are.

Without further ado, here is today’s story excerpt.

And here is the delightful lamp.

Till tomorrow.


Jim Dear and Darling

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Thomas Strickland Thomas Strickland

Day 66: It’s a Hoot!

This morning, when Darling opened the Lovepops Advent, she received the next part of the story. Mickey and Minnie had gone further into the woods and Minnie had heard an Owl. Based on the story, it is obvious that Minnie may be becoming frightened during their adventure, but she knows that Mickey and Pluto will be there with her through the adventure. Likewise, I also know that Darling will be there with me through our adventure.

December 5, 2022

Dear Disney,

Today was a day for caring for those we love. Darling looked after me all do after I was unwell.

This morning, when she opened the Lovepops Advent, she received the next part of the story. Mickey and Minnie had gone further into the woods and Minnie had heard an Owl. Based on the story, it is obvious that Minnie may be becoming frightened during their adventure, but she knows that Mickey and Pluto will be there with her through the adventure. Likewise, I also know that Darling will be there with me through our adventure.

Here is today’s advent story.

Also, here is the owl hooting from its tree.

Till tomorrow.


Jim Dear and Darling

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Thomas Strickland Thomas Strickland

Day 65: Woods, Dark and Deep

Ever since, we have had to go and get a tree from a lot. Lot trees are absolutely great and, at least here, they are run by local families or charitable organizations, but what they do not have is the fresh, Christmas Tree smell. When Darling opened her Lovepop advent today, I laughed: Trees!

December 4, 2022

Dear Disney,

The weekend after Thanksgiving, Darling, the kids, and I always get our Christmas tree and decorate for Christmas. We like to go to a Christmas Tree Farm and get a fresh tree, but a few years ago our local Christmas tree farm had a tragedy. Ever since, we have had to go and get a tree from a lot. Lot trees are absolutely great and, at least here, they are run by local families or charitable organizations, but what they do not have is the fresh, Christmas Tree smell. When Darling opened her Lovepop advent today, I laughed: Trees!

Darling has tried to find the scent of Christmas Trees for the last couple of year. We have tried different candles and artificial scents. Nothing ever seemed to work. Finally, we found it. The Christmas Tree scent! It was a candle, a new scent, and it was wonderful. It has been wonderful.

So today, it appears the Mickey, Minnie, and Pluto are also on their way to find their own tree!

Today’s Lovepops story continues:

And here is Mickey, Minnie, Pluto, and the deep, dark woods.

Until tomorrow.


Jim Dear and Darling

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Thomas Strickland Thomas Strickland

Day 64: Friends

During our 30 Days of Thanks, we talked about family a lot: how important they are to us, and how much we are thankful for them. Friends, on the other hand, are the family that we choose or who chooses us. Friends are amazing and no friends are closer than Mickey and Pluto!

December 3, 2022

Dear Disney,

When we opened our Lovepops Mickey and Friends Advent today, we got Mickey’s best pal, Pluto. That made me think. During the Holiday season we talk about the hope for fellowship between friends and family. During our 30 Days of Thanks, we talked about family a lot: how important they are to us, and how much we are thankful for them. Friends, on the other hand, are the family that we choose or who chooses us. Friends are amazing and no friends are closer than Mickey and Pluto!

Mickey and Pluto have been each others friends for a long time. I love today’s advent because it reminds us of how important our friends are to how we move through this journey. Mickey has Pluto. I have Darling. We all have each other.

Here is today’s story!

Pluto and his trusty sled!

Till tomorrow.


Jim Dear and Darling

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Thomas Strickland Thomas Strickland

Day 63: Shopping

Advents are funny. Every day is something new. They go on-and-on until suddenly, they stop. For the remainder of the advent calendar, we are going to continue to follow Mickey and Friends, but we would also like to discuss other things as well. Today, the topic on my mind is shopping.

December 2, 2022

Dear Disney,

Advents are funny. Every day is something new. They go on-and-on until suddenly, they stop. For the remainder of the advent calendar, we are going to continue to follow Mickey and Friends, but we would also like to discuss other things as well. Today, the topic on my mind is shopping.

I love shopping. I love everything about it, but shopping for the holidays also brings me anxiety. Did I buy the right thing? Did I spend enough? Did I spend too much? Is the gift going to be appreciated?

So, during the Holiday season, Darling and I try to stick to a plan, which we promptly throw away, but the intent allows us to start. Starting allows us to finish.

Now to the advent, today Mickey is joined by his paramour Minnie. The adventure states the following:

And here is Minnie Mouse!

Till Tomorrow.


Jim Dear and Darling

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Thomas Strickland Thomas Strickland


Hi! It’s Darling making my first letter to you. How I wish you were here to witness all the positively wonderful moments you’ve made in families everywhere.

December 1, 2022

Dear Disney,

Hi! It’s Darling making my first letter to you. How I wish you were here to witness all the positively wonderful moments you’ve made in families everywhere. I guess I’ll have to settle with this blog of letters and hope you can peek in every once in a while, wherever you are, to take in the legacy of Disney.

As the title suggests, Jim Dear indulges my love of advents and countdown calendars in our home. During Christmastime we have ADVENTS EVERYWHERE! We are up to 9 advent calendars so far: 3 wooden houses with 24 drawers, 2 plush pocket calendars, one wooden tree with 24 magnetic ornaments, a Baymax and Hiro Advent Pin, and finally a lovely handmade sewn Cookie Count with a bowl full of fabric cookies for each day until Christmas…and a partridge in a pear tree! Whew.

For the past few years Jim Dear has gone above and beyond and gotten each of our children and I an advent full of special little things for us to open each morning before we bundle ourselves up off to school and work.

This year I received a wonderful advent from lovepop, a business that creates lovely 3D cards ranging from birthdays to New Year’s and Christmas too. My advent is called Mickey and Friends Christmas Tree Adventure. The back reads:

Countdown to Christmas with Mickey and all of his friends! Mickey and Minnie absolutely love decorating for Christmas, and it all starts with a tree! Open a pouch each day and follow in their adventure as they overcome obstacles, make new friends, and celebrate the holiday with their beautiful tree!

The box it comes in is very sturdy and the color palette is dreamy and old fashioned. I am so excited to open a new piece for the next 24 days and share it with you!

Here is Day One’s offerings:

Until next time!



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Thomas Strickland Thomas Strickland

Day 61: Internet

So for our last 30 Days of Thanks, we are thankful for the Internet.

November 30, 2022

Dear Disney,

Today is the last day of November and the last day of our 1st 30 Days of Thanks for There is so much that Darling and I are thankful for, but one the things we are most thankful for is the ability to actually write and share our stories and ideas on Dear Disney. The only way we can do this is through the Internet. So for our last 30 Days of Thanks, we are thankful for the Internet.

Commercially available internet service is really not that old. Darling and I both remember logging into the internet, then going to make tea or coffee, get dressed, then come back to the internet just booting up. The idea that we would be caring the internet in our pockets was unheard of, and for us, incomprehensible. Yet, here we are, writing a daily blog, posting daily pictures on Instagram, so that the entire world can see, and share, what we have to offer. These are exciting times.

I cannot wait to see what is in store for us in the days, weeks, months, and years to come, but I hope that you all will be there with us.

Thank you for coming with us through these last 30 Days. Tomorrow is a new month and a new theme.


Jim Dear and Darling

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Thomas Strickland Thomas Strickland

Day 60: Creativity

Walt Disney said, “One day I learned that dreams exist to come true. Ans since that day I do not sleep for rest. I sleep just to dream.” Learning that dreams exist to come true is the embodiment of Disney’s creativity and, in consequence, our creativity. Today, we are thankful for the creativity of dreams.

November 29, 2022

Dear Disney,

Walt Disney said, “One day I learned that dreams exist to come true. Ans since that day I do not sleep for rest. I sleep just to dream.” Learning that dreams exist to come true is the embodiment of Disney’s creativity and, in consequence, our creativity. Today, we are thankful for the creativity of dreams.

Disney animators, designers, and Imagineers, and their creativity, has inspired countless others throughout the world. We watch the movies, become astounded by the designs and costumes, and are mesmerized by the construction of Disney.

What is a dream that you have had that needs to come true?


Jim Dear and Darling

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Thomas Strickland Thomas Strickland

Day 59: Homework

However, it is the things that are awesome in spite of us that we are thankful for today, specifically the oceans.

November 28, 2022

Dear Disney,

Today, Darling and I were thinking about what we were thankful for today. We had been hearing about some of the things that are happening around the world that we, humans, have been responsible for. Some of those things are awesome in their magnificence; others are awesome in their repugnance. However, it is the things that are awesome in spite of us that we are thankful for today, specifically the oceans.

The oceans, and the lifeforms that life within them, are wonderful, beautiful, and amazing. For Darling and I, the oceans are something that we love. We watch the documentaries, we visit the aquariums, we got to the oceanside, but the thing that has inspired many is Pixar’s representation in the Finding Nemo movies and attractions.

The first time we watched Finding Nemo, we were transported to another world. We realize we were watching talking fish, but the colors and sounds were as if we were under-the-sea.

Recently, Darling and I took the family to the coast. We enjoyed the wind and the waves, the smell of the salty air, and the relaxation that it provided. The coast was exactly what we needed.

Darling and I are thankful for the seas and we hope they remain for a very long time.


Jim Dear and Darling

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Thomas Strickland Thomas Strickland

Day 58: Time

The month is almost to an end. Darling and I have made sure that each day we have thought about what we are thankful for, both simple and complex. We treated each day anew, each day asking each other what we are most thankful for. Today, as everything begins to come to a close, the thing that we are most thankful for is the time we have.

November 27, 2022

Dear Disney,

The month is almost to an end. Darling and I have made sure that each day we have thought about what we are thankful for, both simple and complex. We treated each day anew, each day asking each other what we are most thankful for. Today, as everything begins to come to a close, the thing that we are most thankful for is the time we have.

Every day is a chance for adventure. Every day is a chance for something new. One of the reasons why Darling and I started Dear Disney was that we wanted, eventually, to make our Nostalgia for Disney a larger aspect of our lives. We kept telling ourselves that “someday” we would make this work. “Someday” was too far away. “Someday” may never come. Darling decided that someday was NOW.

Now we are trying to take each day as it comes. Enjoying what we have and what we can have with some dedication.

What is something that you have been putting off till “someday?”


Jim Dear and Darling

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Thomas Strickland Thomas Strickland

Day 57: Chocolate!

Today’s 30 Days of thanks is similar to yesterday, Darling and I are immensely thankful for chocolate!

November 26, 2022

Dear Disney,

Today’s 30 Days of thanks is similar to yesterday, Darling and I are immensely thankful for chocolate!

Nothing is better when you need a quick pick-me-up than chocolate. Nothing makes you feel better when you are low than chocolate. Chocolate does not call you names, it does not make you feel inferior or insecure. Chocolate is wonderful.

Of course, everything in moderation.

What is something that you are thankful for, but only in moderation?


Jim Dear and Darling

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Thomas Strickland Thomas Strickland

Day 56: I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream for Ice Cream!

Today, Darling and I thought about what we are thankful for. We have had a long week. We were seated at our kitchen counter, eating brownies and ice cream. I asked her, “What are we thankful for today?” She sat for a minute, looked at me and smiled and said, “Ice cream.” So, we are thankful for Ice Cream!

November 25, 2022

Dear Disney,

Today, Darling and I thought about what we are thankful for. We have had a long week. We were seated at our kitchen counter, eating brownies and ice cream. I asked her, “What are we thankful for today?” She sat for a minute, looked at me and smiled and said, “Ice cream.” So, we are thankful for Ice Cream!

Not everything that we are thankful for must be as important as food, drink, and security. Sometimes, the smallest things, the simplest things are just as important.

When I was twelve, my family went to Disney World. I had saved every spare cent I could find for six months. When the time came to go to Disney World, I had saved up almost $50 worth of spare change so that I could buy something, or a couple of somethings, at the Most Magical Place on Earth. I was able to buy a couple of souvenirs, but the ones that I remember the most was the two Mickey-shaped Ice Creams for my sister and myself.

Sometimes the small things shape us more than the big.


Jim Dear and Darling

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Thomas Strickland Thomas Strickland

Day 55: Thanksgiving

Today is Thanksgiving. Over the last few weeks, Darling and I have thought long and hard about we are thankful for. We will continue for the remainder of the month, but really the culmination is today. Today, Darling and I are thankful for Thanksgiving itself.

November 24, 2022

Dear Disney,

Today is Thanksgiving. Over the last few weeks, Darling and I have thought long and hard about we are thankful for. We will continue for the remainder of the month, but really the culmination is today. Today, Darling and I are thankful for Thanksgiving itself.

American Thanksgiving, to me, is about food and fellowship. We take a day to focus on our labors and the bounty that we have made. Growing up, I truly thought this was true, but over the years my thoughts have changed. Thanksgiving routinely is a time of stress and anxiety. Days leading up to it, people worry that the day is not going to be “perfect.” Others worry that they will not have enough food and drink. Others, it is just another day.

I now feel that Thanksgiving is for mourning, the beginning of the year’s retrospective, and planning for the future. I still feel that food and fellowship is important, but I am less concerned about making it the perfect holiday.

This year, Darling, our children, and I spent time alone with each other. relaxing and just enjoying the moments we have. We talked about the remainder of the year and started to make plans for next year. We played with our children and each other. We spent most of the day in the here and now.

If you celebrated Thanksgiving, what did you do and what were you thankful for?


Jim Dear and Darling

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Thomas Strickland Thomas Strickland

Day 54: Vacation, All I Ever Wanted

Today, Darling and I take vacation, not as regularly as either would like, but more than I ever thought I would have. For today’s 30 Days of Thanks, we are immensely thankful for vacations.

November 23, 2022

Dear Disney,

Today, Darling and I went on a vacation. At least, we started the vacation. Growing up, Vacations are what other people had or what you saw in movies. We worked and went to school. When we were not working, we planning on someday doing something. Today, Darling and I take vacation, not as regularly as either would like, but more than I ever thought I would have. For today’s 30 Days of Thanks, we are immensely thankful for vacations.

When Darling and I were in Elementary School, The Goofy Movie came out. It was a great movie, with great songs, and I just could not relate. I watched the movie and thought, “that trip would have cost so much money!” Darling likes the movie because the songs are catchy, and the family relationship between Max and Goofy is delightful and charming. It has taken me years to enjoy the movie for the same reasons why Darling does.

Now as an adult, Darling and I try to take vacations as often as we can. The last few years has been difficult, but we started vacations up again this year and we are very happy for this. Darling is happy because we work hard and deserve a break. I am happy because I no longer only focus on the monetary costs. She helps me with this.

What is something that you thought only happened in movies, but in reality, it is very common?


Jim Dear and Darling

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Thomas Strickland Thomas Strickland

Day 53: Freewayphobia

Today, I drove Darling to the store. On the way, I heard two ambulances, saw one driver attempt to create an automobile accident, and, I imagine, my blood pressure increased significantly. Darling looked at me and said, “At least we have insurance.” She is correct, like with most things, it could be worse. So today, we are thankful for car insurance.

November 22, 2022

Dear Disney,

Today, I drove Darling to the store. On the way, I heard two ambulances, saw one driver attempt to create an automobile accident, and, I imagine, my blood pressure increased significantly. Darling looked at me and said, “At least we have insurance.” She is correct, like with most things, it could be worse. So today, we are thankful for car insurance.

I realize that this is a little tongue-in-cheek, but the loss of a vehicle in the United States can be very traumatic and detrimental to a person. After attempting to look up non-fatal statistics regarding car collisions, I finally gave up to the amount of alarming data on fatal car collisions, just understand that car collisions are bad.

Walt Disney had a different view on cars. He found the concept of the Highway system to be extraordinarily and futuristic; hence why Autopia remains in Tomorrowland.. Taken from the Disneyland park Prospectus, “This is the home of the exciting World of Tomorrow …where the fascinating exhibits of the miracles of science and industry are displayed. The theme for the World of Tomorrow is the factual and scientific exposition of the Things to Come…Among the exhibits, that will change from time to time, are. . . The Little Parkway system where children drive scale model motor cars over a modern freeway.” He even liked to keep his own personal car on display at Autopia, when he wasn’t driving it of course.

What is something that you use every day that you are thankful for?


Jim Dear and Darling

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Thomas Strickland Thomas Strickland

Day 52: Letters

I think many people use the virtual letter, either blog, vlog, or email, to represent something that we have had for centuries, and we forget how nice it is to get a letter, your own physical personal letter. Today, Jim and I are thankful for the post and receiving letters from friends and family.

November 21, 2022

Dear Disney,

It is funny how something work out. Every day, Darling and I write at least one letter about how Disney has affected our lives. How we want to share our thoughts and feelings to others. How this is important to us. I think many people use the virtual letter, either blog, vlog, or email, to represent something that we have had for centuries, and we forget how nice it is to get a letter, your own physical personal letter. Today, Jim and I are thankful for the post and receiving letters from friends and family.

This time of year, we think of letters to Santa. Letters beseeching gifts or trinkets of good will to each other. Those letters are nice and fun and have a very significant and important purpose. Today, in our mail, we received a letter, not of asking for anything, but in exclaiming what we mean to someone else. I cannot express how that makes us feel.

Whenever we go to a Disney Park, I try to bring stamped letters, or at least stamps, to send letters and post cards from the parks with their Mickey Mouse seal. It is a small thing, but it means a lot to those who receive the letters.

What is a small thing that you get that makes you happy?


Jim Dear and Darling

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Thomas Strickland Thomas Strickland

Day 51: Changes

Today, we are thankful for changes: changes in seasons, changes in perspective, changes in leadership.

November 20, 2022

Dear Disney,

Today, we are thankful for changes: changes in seasons, changes in perspective, changes in leadership.

Change can be scary. People like things the way they are but change means metamorphosis. Ask the caterpillar if they want change? Disney is like that as well. Somethings change, other stay the same. It is knowing which things need changing and which things need to remain the same that is hard.

Darling and I are thankful for the changes and the things that do not change. We know that in order to grow, we must embrace positive change and that is what we strive to do.

What is a change that you are excited about?


Jim Dear and Darling

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